June/July 2024 Update

Here we are at the end of July, 2024. I think I just ran through June without realizing it. Didn’t have a lot on our schedule. We did have a few couples in during June, but this was mostly for fellowship and getting to know these couples better. We spent most of our time talking about the Lord and studying Scripture.

July has been busy, busy, busy. Paul left the 4th of July for Reno/Lake Tahoe for the Puryear Family Reunion. Thom and Kelley joined him. I came down with a cold..lots of coughing..so I stayed home to rest so I could travel the rest of the month.

Beryl decided to come to Houston, but we didn’t have any damage. Two of our grandchildren and their family’s were without electricity, so they stayed with me a few days. Loved having them with me.

Paul and I did get a chance to drive to Alice, Texas, to visit my sister and brother-in-law, Carolyn and Mario Salinas. We don’t see each other often, but when we do, we have a great time and enjoy some delicious Mexican food. They always have empanadas for me….yum.

Paul and I left the 15th of July for Tacoma, Washington, for the Duncan/Rice/Whalen Moving Up and Family Reunion. It was fantastic. Thom, Kelley and our secretary, Renee, flew in for the weekend to work at our table. So very grateful for them. God moved mightily in Sunday morning service.

We flew to Las Vegas Monday for the Baker Family Reunion and Moving Up. What a fabulous time! God moved so powerfully in the Sunday service. We are so grateful for the amazing leaders in this organization. They allow us to be a part of the Sunday service, and also to have our books available for their people. We want to get the truth to every life possible.

We are in Denver at the Erickson Family Reunion and Moving Up as I write this. We are looking forward to a wonderful week.

Our granddaughter, Marissa and her two little ones, Daniel and Byrdie, came for a short visit. The babies did not want to get out of the swimming pool. It was a blessing to see them.

We have been blessed these few weeks, but we are ready to get home and rest. We’ve stayed up till midnight almost every night while on the road. Are we getting too old for this??

Teach me, O LORD, the way of your statutes;

and I will keep it to the end.

Give me understanding, that I may keep your law

and observe it with my whole heart.

Lead me in the path of your commandments,

for I delight in it. Psalm 119:33-35

Blessings to you all!


August/september update
