April sure passed by in a blink. We welcomed our 15th great grandbaby, Clay David Tsika, in April. He is such a joy, and his brother, Connor, loves him so much, as we all do. Paul and I also celebrated 58 years of marriage. It would be an understatement to say we are blessed.

May was a time of rest and relaxation. We had a couple of friends come visit, which was a joy. We are always up for good friends to come spend some time with us.

Gretchen had her first Widows Retreat here at our place. She had six widows, which is a great start. She had beautiful gifts for them and delicious meals planned for them. She also did some teaching and had them share their stories. Melanie and Kelley helped her with the gifts and food. She is planning retreats in California and also Colorado. Please keep her in prayer as God opens the door for this adventure. Her website is

Paul Edward traveled to Denver and Canada for the spring leaderships and Paul Sr. flew to Hawaii, Las Vegas, Boise and Florida for leaderships. I joined Paul Sr for the Vegas and Florida leaderships. We love being with the wonderful people of Worldwide Dream Builders.

We had a wonderful time with Paul’s sister and brother in law, Don and Sandra Dittemore, after our last spring leadership in Florida, which was awesome. They had a little get together with their friends to help celebrate our anniversary.

We left for Cabo San Lucus, Mexico with Thom and Kelley the last week of May. They have a time share, which they use often. It was a wonderful time of rest, as we had been on the go since January. I’m sure we will go back! The people there are so kind and friendly.

Our dear friend, Sheila Hunt, is now in glory. She was such a vibrant, joyful Christian. She will be missed, for sure. However, she is now completely free and enjoying reunion with family and friends. She is now face to face with Jesus.

We are looking forward to some time in North Carolina before we prepare for a full month of travel in July.


June/July 2024 Update


April 2024 Update